Google is launching support for programmatic bidding on Limited ads

Google is launching support for programmatic bidding on inventory eligible for Limited ads.
Your Network Code: 9784401
In Q1 2024, Google is launching support for programmatic bidding on inventory eligible for Limited ads. This new serving mode will allow for contextual programmatic demand when publishers are serving Limited Ads and enables demand from Google Demand, Authorized Buyers, Open Bidders, & SDK Bidding.
If you decide to use this new serving mode, Google will make use of invalid traffic detection-only cookies & local storage regardless of the user consent signals passed with Limited ads requests. Accordingly, programmatic demand will be enabled (and an invalid traffic-only cookie & local storage used) when (1) there is no certified CMP present, (2) when the <D=1 flag is in the ad request, or (3) a user has declined consent for Purpose 1 of IAB Europe's Transparency and Consent Framework (TCF), and the signal for all other lawful bases required for Limited Ads are present in the TC string.
This feature is optional because we recognize publishers are legally responsible for the tools they use and may have differing views on whether invalid traffic-only cookies and local storage should be subject to user consent. The invalid traffic-only cookie is required for this inventory because invalid traffic protection is a prerequisite for programmatic demand.
Publishers should work with their legal teams to understand whether to use this feature, taking into account relevant regulations and applicable regulator guidance. Publishers will need to determine for themselves whether the use of invalid traffic-only cookies & local storage on their own sites/ apps requires user consent, and therefore whether they should use this feature or not. Publishers that do not want to use invalid traffic-only cookies & local storage without user consent should opt-out of this feature.
You can view more details about this change and how to prepare or opt out in our help center articles (Ad Manager AdMob AdSense).
Until next time,
The Google Ad Manager Team
Google LLC 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043
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