[Google Ad Manager] Interactive Reports launching in Q3 2024

Interactive Reports Open Beta starts Q3 for all Google Ad Manager publishers
Your Network Code: 9784401
We're excited to announce that Interactive Reports will roll out in beta to all Google Ad Manager publishers in Q3 2024. Interactive Reports is a new reporting tool that makes it easier for you to get the information you need.
With Interactive Reports, you can:
Create reports and view the results on a single screen
Select metrics and dimensions using a type-to-select search bar, or view all available in a dedicated window
Analyze data in Ad Manager using pagination, data comparisons (including percentage change), flags, and filtering/sorting
These features provide the following benefits:
Reduced need for third-party tools
More efficient data analysis
Better insights
Once Interactive Reports is available for your network, you can get started by clicking Reporting > Interactive reports in Ad Manager. To learn more about Interactive Reports, visit the Help Center
Additional features will be announced throughout the open beta. Check out the Ad Manager release notes for bi-weekly updates.
Until next time,
The Google Ad Manager Team
Google Ireland Ltd, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland
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Update to the Dynamic Content and Personalized Advertising Policies

Updating the Dynamic Content and Personalized Advertising Policies
Your Network Code: 9784401
Dear Ad Manager Partner,
In July 2024, Google will make a handful of updates to our policies to provide better clarity and transparency for our publisher partners.
Google will replace the "Ads on Dynamic Content" AdMob and AdSense program policy with a new "Ads in Private Communications" policy. This change will provide clarity to publishers by explaining that ads are prohibited on screens where the primary focus is a private communication like direct messages, live chats, video-chats, and private chatrooms. Per the Google Ad Manager Partner Guidelines, these policies are applicable to Google Ad Manager partners when displaying Google ads on your sites and apps in the open auction.
In addition, Google will also remove the "Personalized Advertising" Policy from the AdMob Behavioral Policies and replace it with a new "Personalized Advertising" Google Publisher Policy. All publishers must follow the rules about personalized ads serving in order to protect user privacy and prevent discriminatory practices. The creation of this policy as a Publisher Policy is to provide a consistent policy experience for all publishers.
This message is a notification to inform you about the aforementioned policy updates. No action is needed from you at this time.
Until next time,
The Google Ad Manager Team
Google Ireland Ltd, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland
You have received this mandatory email service announcement to update you about important changes to your Google Ad Manager product or account.
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